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Lady Gaga Will Never Lip Sync

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Lady Gaga’s song are awesome! I hate it when an artist is singing “live” when they are really lip syncing. Lady Gaga believes that her fans deserve to be able to hear her sing live. After all, we already know how her voice sounds on cd. We want to hear the live version of the song. Otherwise, what is the point of going to a concert.

She says, “I would never even think about it (lip synching). The whole point to me is, if you’re gonna be number one, you better really be f***ing number one. If you’re gonna be on top, you better be able to do all those things, because it’s a real privilege to be able to make music everyday, and I get away with a lot.

“Andy Warhol says art is what you can get away with, and I get away with a lot with my music and my clothes, and I work really hard so I could truly be a real artist for all my fans.That’s really f***ed up when you lip-synch.”

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